Monday, December 3, 2012

Google, Tech Companies Take Action to Preserve Internet at U.N. Treaty Talks:

Google, Tech Companies Take Action to Preserve Internet at U.N. Treaty Talks:

A veritable who's who of Internet and tech companies including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Intel, Cisco, AT&T and Verizon are headed to Dubai next week in an effort to preserve a free and open Internet.
Prompting the trip is alarm that proposed updates to a 24-year-old international treaty governing global telephone exchanges and other communications could put control of the Web into the hands of the United Nations and its member states. This could allow some governments to censor speech, cut off Internet access or set new fees for Internet traffic.

Google alone is sending four represenatives to Dubai, more than any other company, as part of a 100-member U.S. delegation of government organizations and officials for the two-week World Conference on International Communications. ...

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