Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Rumor: Is the Galaxy Note 2 Really Getting a Flexible Display?

Rumor: Is the Galaxy Note 2 Really Getting a Flexible Display?

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Rumors have been swirling recently around the release of the Galaxy Note 2, with some folks claiming that Sammy's next phablet will feature a flexible display. Obviously, we love the sounds of that. But just how realistic is it to think Sammy's going to actually pull this off?
Flexible OLED technology exists, and will certainly be making an appearance in phones sometime in the near future. But the gel batteries that are needed to power flexible phones are still being developed, and it could be a long time before they can actually be fitted to flexible phones. Already, companies like Corning have begun debuting new, flexible and lightweight glass. There were also all those rumors about Samsung building a research lab to test flexible OLED displays. But I'm still doubtful that we're going to be seeing flexible phones anytime in the near future.
Oh, how I want to believe. Just imagine strapping your phone to your wrist or using your phone as a TV stand. The only working prototype debuted by Nokia wasn't flexible enough to cause a big stir, but a flexible Galaxy Note would create international headlines.
Hey, one can dream, right?
Other Galaxy Note 2 rumors point to a 12MP camera, 5.4" screen and Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.

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